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Loyola Athletics Block L

Worship, Work, Win

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Established in 2019, the Worship, Work, Win Fund honors the life of Sister Jean and assures that her legacy will remain for centuries to come. Loyola Athletics aspires to change lives and build leaders by adopting a student-athlete-centric approach with specialized programming for things like performance and health and wellness. These important aspects of our athletics department are near and dear to the heart of our beloved Sister Jean. This fund was established by alumni and supporter gifts to celebrate her 100th Birthday.

Why should I give?

For over 60 years Sister Jean has been impacting the lives of Loyola students and student-athletes alike. When she celebrated her 100th birthday in August of 2019 she wanted to leave behind a legacy that would impact Loyola Athletics and the campus as a whole. Making a gift to the Worship, Work, Win Fund is one of the best ways to honor Sister Jean and thank her for the impact she has had on the Loyola community.

What do the funds support?

The Worship, Work, Win Fund supports student athletic excellence and student athlete welfare, areas that are very close to Sister Jean’s heart.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!